Chapter NineSpecial Gift Situations

  1. § 9.1 Works of Art
    1. (a) Gifts of Art in General
    2. (b) Gifts of Fractional Interests
    3. (c) Loans
  2. § 9.2 Gems
  3. § 9.3 Inventory
    1. (a) Basic Rules
    2. (b) Restrictions on Use
    3. (c) Restrictions on Transfer of Contributed Property
    4. (d) Requirements of Written Statement(s)
    5. (e) Compliance with Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
    6. (f) Amount of Reduction
    7. (g) Recapture Excluded
    8. (h) Special Rule for Food Inventory
    9. (i) Special Rule for Book Inventory
  4. § 9.4 Scientific Research Property
  5. § 9.5 Computer Technology or Equipment
  6. § 9.6 License to Use Patent
    1. (a) Factual Situations
    2. (b) Law and Analysis
  7. § 9.7 Conservation Property
    1. (a) Qualified Real Property Interests
    2. (b) Qualified Organizations
    3. (c) Conservation Purpose
    4. (d) Exclusivity Requirement
    5. (e) Valuation
    6. (f) Substantiation
    7. (g) Relationship to Rehabilitation Tax Credit
    8. (h) Donative Intent
    9. (i) Special Rules for Capital Gain Real Property
    10. (j) Special Rules for Farmers and Ranchers
  8. § 9.8 S Corporation Stock
    1. (a) Background and Introduction
    2. (b) Gifts from Donor's Perspective
    3. (c) Gifts from Donee's Perspective
    4. (d) Conclusion
  9. § 9.9 Section 306 Stock
  10. § 9.10 Retirement Plan Accounts
    1. (a) Income in Respect of Decedent
    2. (b) Charitable Contribution Planning
    3. (c) Potential Problems and Solutions
    4. (d) Individual Retirement Arrangements in General
    5. (e) Temporary Statutory Rule
  11. § 9.11 Commodity Futures Contracts
  12. § 9.12 Donors' Creations
  13. § 9.13 Charity Auctions
    1. (a) Charity Auctions as Businesses
    2. (b) Charitable Contribution Deductions—Donors ...

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