In this section we describe the different types of factor models.

Known Factors

The simplest case of factor models is where the K factors are assumed known or observable, so that we have time-series data on them. In this case, the K-factor model for the return-generating process as given by equation (5.2) is a multiple regression for each asset, and is a multivariate regression if all of the individual regressions are pooled together. For example, if one believes that the gross domestic product (GDP) is the driving force for a group of stock returns, one would have a one-factor model,
The above equation corresponds to equation (5.1) with K = 1 and 109 In practice, one can obtain time-series data on both the asset returns and GDP, and then one can estimate the regressions to obtain all the parameters, including in particular the expected returns.
Another popular one-factor model is the market model regression
where 111 is the return on a stock market index.
To understand the covariance matrix estimation, it will be useful to write the K-factor model in matrix ...

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