27Leaving a Legacy: Leading Beyond Self

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.


ON A DARK, gloomy Thursday morning, I arrived at the headquarters of a prominent retailer a few hours ahead of a meeting with the leadership team. We had a full agenda planned, and I couldn't wait to start. As I headed toward the conference room through a maze of dark, empty hallways, I noticed a soft glow of white light and the sounds of smooth jazz coming from a distant office. My curiosity got the best of me.

As I approached the office, I saw a key member of senior leadership scribbling notes into a moleskin notebook. He had been with the company for 15 years, and everyone in the industry admired him. I gently knocked on the door, which was partially open. After saying “hello,” I asked why he was there earlier than everyone else.

He lowered his reading glasses and said, “Hey, good morning, Matt. It's great to see you. I arrived early so I could have some quiet time to think.”

The seriousness in his expression piqued my interest, so I probed further: “Oh, yeah? What's on your mind this morning?” He closed his notebook, using the pen to hold his place, and leaned back in his chair. Instead of answering, he gently swayed back and forth as he carefully considered his response. After a few moments, he replied, “Matt, I've enjoyed a remarkable career and have accomplished far more than I imagined possible. I've made ...

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