List of Lists
Chapter 1 Fundamental Truths
Ten Fundamental Truths
Fundamental Truth 1: Trust Requires Trusting and Being Trusted
Fundamental Truth 2: Trust Is Personal
Fundamental Truth 3: Trust Is about Relationships
Fundamental Truth 4: Trust Is Created in Interactions
Fundamental Truth 5: There Is No Trust without Risk
Fundamental Truth 6: Trust Is Paradoxical
Fundamental Truth 7: Listening Drives Trust and Influence
Fundamental Truth 8: Trust Does Not Take Time
Fundamental Truth 9: Trust Is Strong and Durable, Not Fragile
Fundamental Truth 10: You Get What You Give
The Three Ps of Trust
1. Trust is Personal.
2. Trust is Paradoxical.
3. Trust is Positively correlated to risk.
Chapter 2 Fundamental Attitudes
Five Fundamental Attitudes
Fundamental Attitude 1: Principles over Processes
Fundamental Attitude 2: You Are More Connected than You Think
Fundamental Attitude 3: It’s Not about You
Fundamental Attitude 4: Curiosity Trumps Knowing
Fundamental Attitude 5: Time Works for You
Chapter 3 The Dynamics of Influence
Three Steps to Being More Influential
1. Change the way you think about how people think.
2. Understand an important driver of influence: reciprocity.
3. Do a better job of listening, not a better job of making your case.
Five-Point Checklist for Being More Influential in Meetings
1. Before you enter the meeting, take one minute to prepare your mind.
2. When you state your point of view during a meeting, state it crisply and simply.
3. Spend the majority of ...