After-market trading:
on perfect trading day
on worst trading day
Amateur traders:
paper trading for
training seminars for (AMZN)
emotions and
risk management and
Anxiety. See Fear factor
Average daily volume
experience and
mastery of
paper trading and
Rules to Remember
Bankruptcy, avoiding stocks at risk of
Biotech stocks
Breaks, taking of
Rules to Remember
what to do during
when to take
why to take
breaks and
cushion cash
day job and
performance gauging and
Rules to Remember
stop/losses and
Budweiser (BUD)
minimum requirements for trading
pay-per-trade and
in perfect trading day
risk management and allocation of
timing for allocation for trading
trading for skill and
trading skill level and amount traded
Cash, as trading cushion
CEO resignations, news about
Class action lawsuits, news about
Closing bell:
on perfect trading day
on worst trading day
CNBC Business News Channel
Companies. See Stocks
Competition, news about
Concentration, need for constant
Confidence. See Overconfidence
Consistency, importance of
Rules to Remember
Cushion cash
Day job, taking leave of absence from
Day trading:
benefits to market
contrasted with investing
Early morning activities:
on perfect trading day
on worst trading day
Earnings news
Education. See Training and preparation
fear factor
greed factor
mistakes and
paper trading and
on perfect trading day
Rules to Remember
End-of-day recaps
Equity ...