Hand-Lettered Type Portrait

The best of times, and the worst of times

The Brief

Represent a celebrity in the form of a hand-lettered type portrait

Trim Size

US Letter/A4

Learning Points

  • Hand lettering in Fresco (or Illustrator)

  • Combining Photoshop, Fresco, and Illustrator


Photoshop, Illustrator, Fresco



You know what they say: “You are what you write.” That’s particularly true if you lived in the 19th century and wrote dozens of books that are almost all household names, as Charles Dickens did. Who or what is Dickens, other than a collection of words? They just happen to be very well-selected words.

For this project, let’s make another type portrait. Only this time, I (Nigel) will simplify an image to its most ...

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