© Felicity Brand, Heather McNamee, and Jeffrey A. McGuire 2021
F. Brand et al.The TYPO3 Guidebookhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6525-3_4

4. Managing and Maintaining TYPO3

Felicity Brand1  , Heather McNamee2 and Jeffrey A. McGuire3
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Northern Ireland, UK
Olpe, Germany

In this chapter, we’ll look at how to keep your TYPO3 website or application running reliably and securely.

The TYPO3 Project offers a dependable roadmap and release process. For decision-makers particularly concerned about the long-term cost of maintenance, TYPO3 CMS offers excellent opportunities to maximize ROI, with a six-year official support window for the LTS (long-term support) version of every major release. The community supports major versions ...

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