Conclusion: The New Leader

The journey from mindtrap to mindshift and mindbuild has a profound impact on those who undertake it, unleashing a deep and lasting transformation on multiple levels.

Take Andrew, the CEO whose oral exam in business school had shaped his views on leadership. After we identified his mindtrap and replaced it with a new perspective, he started looking at his role—and himself—completely differently. He gradually learned how to really listen and to be comfortable relating to employees on a more personal and authentic level. He became able to admit when he didn't know the answer to something. He was open about the challenges his company faced, but he also shared his confidence that he and his employees could navigate them together. He often said, “I don't know the answer to this question, but together we'll find the answer.” He articulated and remained connected with his own sense of purpose, linked it to the company's, and helped his teams do the same. This lifted everyone's energy, and the sense of working together toward a clear common purpose boosted pride and cohesion within the company. He became a human leader who successfully steered employees and the company through the worst of the COVID crisis and its economic fallout. When he was promoted to become the CEO of an even larger company, news of his departure led to an outpouring of gratitude and well wishes from employees, which touched him deeply. He later adopted the same leadership approach in ...

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