8 Introducing Rituals

DOI: 10.4324/9781003396833-13

If you’ve ever been to a wedding reception in the US, a baseball game, or a Fourth of July barbecue after the host has had a few extra drinks, you’ve probably been roped into a singalong of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing. Maybe you’ve even been the one to instigate it. The first chords of the piano intro give way to singer Steve Perry’s signature vocals, and by the time the guitar riff flutters in, about a minute later, and the rest of the band follows the lead, you’d be hard-pressed to find a listener who isn’t at least humming along, if not fully belting the tune out into the night. Sure, some may argue it’s an objectively cheesy song – it came out in 1981, after all – but nothing seems ...

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