CHAPTER 5Job Interviews Happen Every Day: How Shampoo Changed My Life and Started My Career

I am not ashamed of my past. I am not ashamed of my humble beginning.

—Madam C. J. Walker, first Black female millionaire

My very first job was unpaid, but it ended up being the best job I could ever imagine. It is why I am where I am today. All jokes aside, shampoo changed my life.

When I was seven years old, I begged my father to see the epic movie thriller, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which was a gigantic hit in 1990. Thankfully, he obliged. One of the main characters of the film, Leonardo the blue Ninja Turtle, captivated me.

The Ninja Turtles consisted of four brothers: Leonardo was the leader of the group, Michelangelo was the class clown, Donatello was the nerdy tech whiz, and Raphael was the challenger of the group. Leonardo was always the most mature Turtle and his brothers looked up to him. Their karate master, Splinter, expected more from Leonardo than the others and that inspired me—even as a child.

Blissfully leaving the theater after the movie, we happened to pass a Tiger Schulman's Karate School. I remember begging my father to stop inside to collect information about joining. I wanted to be Leonardo, and I was hooked! I wanted to learn karate and be a leader. My dad hesitated at first, but eventually, he gave in to my pleading.

I started as a seven-year-old white belt, and it took me five years of consistent training and sparring competitions to finally graduate ...

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