14Gender Inequities in Collegiate Sport: History, Theory, Policy, and Practice

Emily A. Johnson and Ajhanai Chanel Inez Newton

Sport is a microcosm of society, perpetuating many “isms” that impede it from attaining a level of consciousness that works toward a more inclusive sporting realm. The discourse surrounding sport generally focuses on competition, ability, and notoriety, rather than the sporting realm’s linkage to discrimination and inequity. However, these aspects cannot go unexamined or unchallenged, as they have tangible effects on the lives of athletes, spectators, administrators, and individuals at large. This chapter will illustrate the intersections of sport, gender, race, higher education, and effective gender equity practices. When employing a critical lens, the reinforced gender stereotypes, racial biases, and sexual‐identity inequities that are disseminated throughout society become apparent within the arena of sport and sport leadership (McDowell et al. 2009). Fink (2008) suggests that those who examine sport through a critical lens will understand that inequities are “situated in multi‐level, sometimes subtle, and usually taken‐for‐granted structures, policies, and behaviors embedded [in] sport organizations” (p. 147). Through historical and contemporary inquiries, scholarly discourse, and theoretical grounding, this chapter will identify and examine these embedded inequities. By doing so, the authors seek to promote a broader understanding of the intersections ...

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