
nb: Page numbers in bold refer to glossary definitions.

absolute zero 79

acoustical clouds 166

active autofocus 1415

Actors’ Equity 171

Adams, Ansel 23, 25

additional optical paths 8

additive mapping 210

Advanced Photo System Type C see APS-C

all-black field 30

Amazon 141, 207

amber drift 94, 210

amber ring lens 164

American Idiot 137, 150, 182

aperture 210

aperture priority 11518, 129, 210

aperture setting 33, 37, 3951, 1801; practice session 501; see also f-stop

Apple iOS 10 142

APS-C 1023, 210

arc lights 80, 85, 87, 92

archiving 170, 195, 2012

ASA (American Standards Association) 210

ASA/ISO 32, 37, 72; see also film speed

aspect ratio 96101, 110, 210; see also framing shots

atmospherics 133

auto-bracketing 11, 11213, 126

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