Computability is the part of logic and theoretical computer science that gives a mathematically precise formulation to the concepts algorithm, mechanical procedure, and calculable function (or relation). Its advent was strongly motivated, in the 1930s, by Hilbert’s program to found mathematics on a (metamathematically provably) consistent (cf. axiomatic basis, in particular by his belief that the Entscheidungsproblem, or decision problem, for axiomatic theories, that is, the problem “is this formula a theorem of that theory?” was solvable by a mechanical procedure that was yet to be discovered.

Now, since antiquity, mathematicians have invented “mechanical procedures”, e.g., Euclid’s algorithm for the “greatest common divisor”,49 and had no problem recognizing such procedures when they encountered them. But how do you mathematically prove the nonexistence of such a mechanical procedure for a particular problem? You need a mathematical formulation of what is a “mechanical procedure” in order to do that!

Intensive activity by many [Post (1936, 1944), Kleene (1936), Church (1936b), Turing (1936, 1937), and, later, Markov (1960)] led in the 1930s to several alternative formulations, each purporting to mathematically characterize the concepts algorithm, mechanical procedure, and calculable function. All these formulations were soon proved to be equivalent; that is, the calculable functions admitted by any one of them were the same as those that ...

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