9 Dot puzzle, 160, 172


Abductive Thinking, 164171

checkerboard illusion, 165

exercises, 171

getting started, 170

old dog, 166

Takeaway, 171

Absolute truths, 86, 90, 93, 100101

Absorption capability, 192, 195, 197

Accuracy, 195196

Agreement, 124, 150, 153

Always a way, 2426

Ambiguity, 3032

Anaya, Ivan Fernandex, 104

Answer, 51, 82

I don't know, 39

knowledge, 33, 41

perspectives, 137

Thinking Coach, 7478

Think Outside the Box, 160

Triangular Thinking, 136140

Why?, 36

Anticipatory Thinking, 5761

exercises, 61

getting started, 60

a miss, 63

Takeaway, 61

what's next?, 59

Applications, 58, 68, 77

Approval, 153, 181182, 187

ASAP, 183

Assumptions, 110113

automatic mode, 110, 112

bad, 119

conversation, 127

critical thinking mode, 110

invalidate, 39, 112, 118, 150151

Takeaway, 113

validated, 145

Automatic mode, 56, 8, 19, 62, 88, 110, 112, 124

Automatic thinking, 1, 4, 19, 84, 108, 120


Bacon, Sir Francis, 33

Because!!, 34, 3941

Beliefs, 89, 107109, 121122

change, 107

different, 107

filter, 105, 114

ideological, 109

Takeaway, 109

values, 104105

Benefits, xv, 12, 7, 911, 79, 196197, 205

Better mousetrap, 155

Biases, 7

Boeing, 59


beyond, 172

box, 159, 161

knowledge, 39

outside, 161


boundaries, 161

inside, 161

outside, 155156, 159163

premise, 161

Triangular Thinking, 138139


changes things, 166

hides information, 8

makes things up, 6, 99

throws things out, 56, 99

Bucket, 2327, 99100, 204

empty, 2326, 100

exercises, 26

filled, 23, 108 ...

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