Chapter 7. Prototyping

Explore, challenge, and evolve your ideas in reality.

Expert comments by: Alexander Osterwalder | Carola Verschoor | Francesca Terzi | Johan Blomkvist | Kristina Carlander

  1. 7.1 The process of service prototyping

    1. 7.1.1 Decide on the purpose

      1. Prototyping to explore

      2. Prototyping to evaluate

      3. Prototyping to communicate and present

    2. 7.1.2 Decide on your prototyping questions

    3. 7.1.3 Assess what to make or build

    4. 7.1.4 Planning prototyping

      1. Audience

      2. Roles in the team

      3. Fidelity

      4. Prototyping context

      5. Prototyping loops

      6. Multitracking

      7. Method selection

    5. 7.1.5 Running prototyping sessions

    6. 7.1.6 Data synthesis and analysis

    7. 7.1.7 Visualizing prototyping data

  2. 7.2 Prototyping methods

      1. Prototyping service processes and experiences: Investigative rehearsal

      2. Prototyping service processes and experiences: Subtext

      3. Prototyping service processes and experiences: Desktop walkthrough

      4. Prototyping physical objects and environments: Cardboard prototyping

      5. Prototyping digital artifacts and software: Rehearsing digital services

      6. Prototyping digital artifacts and software: Paper prototyping

      7. Prototyping digital artifacts and software: Interactive click modeling

      8. Prototyping digital artifacts and software: Wireframing

      9. Prototyping ecosystems and business value: Service advertisement

      10. Prototyping ecosystems and business value: Desktop system mapping (a.k.a. Business Origami)

      11. Prototyping ecosystems and business value: Business Model Canvas

      12. General methods: Mood boards

      13. General methods: Sketching

      14. General ...

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