CHAPTER 7Processing and Managing Threats
Finding threats against arbitrary things is fun, but when you're building something with many moving parts, you need to know where to start, and how to approach it. While Part II is about the tasks you perform and the methodologies you can use to perform them, this chapter is about the processes in which those tasks are performed. Questions of “what to do when” naturally come up as you move from the specifics of looking at a particular element of a system to looking at a complete system. To the extent that these are questions of what an individual or small team does, they are addressed in this chapter; questions about what an organization does are covered in Chapter 17, “Bringing Threat Modeling to Your Organization.”
Each of the approaches covered here should work with any of the “Lego blocks” covered in Part II. In this chapter, you'll learn how to get started looking for threats, including when and where to start and how to iterate through a diagram. The chapter continues with a set of tables and lists that you might use as you threat model, and ends with a set of scenario-specific guidelines, including the importance of the vendor-customer trust boundary, threat modeling new technologies, and how to threat model an API.
Starting the Threat Modeling Project
The basic approach of “draw a diagram and use the Elevation of Privilege game to find threats” is functional, but people prefer different amounts of prescriptiveness, so this section ...
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