CHAPTER 11Threat Modeling Tools
This chapter covers tools to help you threat model. Tooling can help threat modeling in a number of ways. It can help you create better models, or create models more fluidly. Tools can help you remember to engage in various steps, or provide assistance performing those steps. Tools can help create a more legible or even beautiful threat model document. Tools can help you check your threat model for completeness. Finally, tools can help you create actionable output from a threat model.
Tools can also act as a constraint. You may find yourself stymied by usability issues, such as fields you're unsure how to fill out. Or you might find that a tool cramps your style. Some trade-offs are unavoidable as tools are created, so the chapter starts with general tools that are useful in threat modeling, and then progresses to more specialized tools.
A few disclosures: I do not have personal experience with each tool described here, and some of the tools I created myself. (Those are treated at greater length, because there's less risk of me insulting the authors.)
This chapter starts by describing some generally useful tools and how to apply them to threat modeling. You'll then learn about the open-source tools that are available, followed by commercial tools. The chapter closes with a few words about tools that don't yet exist.
Generally Useful Tools
This section discusses tools that are not specialized for threat modeling but can be tremendously useful. ...
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