Chapter 19

SVG Files


check Discovering what an SVG file is

check Knowing when to use an SVG file for a Tinkercad design

check Outputting a Tinkercad design to an SVG file format

In this chapter, you find out exactly what an SVG file is and how to export one out of Tinkercad based on one of your designs.

What Is an SVG File?

An SVG file or Scalable Vector Graphics file is an eXtensible Markup Language (XML)–based vector image format, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1999.

SVG files are used primarily for 2D graphics with support for interactivity and animation and are an open source file standard, like the OBJ file format.

An SVG file comes out of Tinkercad as a 2D slice based on the location of the Workplane and allows you to take slices through a 3D Tinkercad design.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows the user to create a set of rules to code documents (XML files) that can be human-readable, but also (more importantly) machine-readable.

Due to this, all SVG files and their behavior are defined in XML text files. As XML files, SVG files can be created and edited with any text editor, as well as with drawing and modeling software.

An SVG file can be opened in ...

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