Chapter 21

Ten Great 3D Printers


check Exploring 3D printers

check Using 3D printers

This chapter gives you ten of the more commonly available 3D printers. The list is not exhaustive, and many other models are out there.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a 3D Printer

You need to consider many aspects of 3D printing when purchasing a 3D printer, including

  • Materials: What materials are supported, and are they cheaper and accessible?
  • Time to print: How long does a simple 3D model take to print?
  • Colors: Does the 3D printer support colored materials?
  • Size: What size of model can be printed?
  • Software: Does the printer need specific software to print?
  • Connectivity: Does the printer support WiFi/Internet/Bluetooth?
  • Power: What sort of power requirements does the printer have or require?

All these factors are important. I provide this information, when available, for each printer in this chapter so that you can make an informed decision.

If you are going to consider getting your own 3D printer, be sure to examine all the marketplace has to offer and make sure you invest in one that fulfills all of your needs and requirements, as they are quite an investment financially.

Quite simply, do your research.

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