Chapter 1. Introduction

The goal of this book is to show how any developer with basic experience using a command-line terminal and code editor can get started building their own projects running machine learning (ML) on embedded devices.

When I first joined Google in 2014, I discovered a lot of internal projects that I had no idea existed, but the most exciting was the work that the OK Google team were doing. They were running neural networks that were just 14 kilobytes (KB) in size! They needed to be so small because they were running on the digital signal processors (DSPs) present in most Android phones, continuously listening for the “OK Google” wake words, and these DSPs had only tens of kilobytes of RAM and flash memory. The team had to use the DSPs for this job because the main CPU was powered off to conserve battery, and these specialized chips use only a few milliwatts (mW) of power.

Coming from the image side of deep learning, I’d never seen networks so small, and the idea that you could use such low-power chips to run neural models stuck with me. As I worked on getting TensorFlow and later TensorFlow Lite running on Android and iOS devices, I remained fascinated by the possibilities of working with even simple chips. I learned that there were other pioneering projects in the audio world (like Pixel’s Music IQ) for predictive maintenance (like PsiKick) and even in the vision world (Qualcomm’s Glance camera module).

It became clear to me that there was a whole new class of products emerging, with the key characteristics that they used ML to make sense of noisy sensor data, could run using a battery or energy harvesting for years, and cost only a dollar or two. One term I heard repeatedly was “peel-and-stick sensors,” for devices that required no battery changes and could be applied anywhere in an environment and forgotten. Making these products real required ways to turn raw sensor data into actionable information locally, on the device itself, since the energy costs of transmitting streams anywhere have proved to be inherently too high to be practical.

This is where the idea of TinyML comes in. Long conversations with colleagues across industry and academia have led to the rough consensus that if you can run a neural network model at an energy cost of below 1 mW, it makes a lot of entirely new applications possible. This might seem like a somewhat arbitrary number, but if you translate it into concrete terms, it means a device running on a coin battery has a lifetime of a year. That results in a product that’s small enough to fit into any environment and able to run for a useful amount of time without any human intervention.


I’m going to be jumping straight into using some technical terms to talk about what this book will be covering, but don’t worry if some of them are unfamiliar to you; we define their meaning the first time we use them.

At this point, you might be wondering about platforms like the Raspberry Pi, or NVIDIA’s Jetson boards. These are fantastic devices, and I use them myself frequently, but even the smallest Pi is similar to a mobile phone’s main CPU and so draws hundreds of milliwatts. Keeping one running even for a few days requires a battery similar to a smartphone’s, making it difficult to build truly untethered experiences. NVIDIA’s Jetson is based on a powerful GPU, and we’ve seen it use up to 12 watts of power when running at full speed, so it’s even more difficult to use without a large external power supply. This is usually not a problem in automotive or robotics applications, since the mechanical parts demand a large power source themselves, but it does make it tough to use these platforms for the kinds of products I’m most interested in, which need to operate without a wired power supply. Happily, when using them the lack of resource constraints means that frameworks like TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, and NVIDIA’s TensorRT are available, since they’re usually based on Linux-capable Arm Cortex-A CPUs, which have hundreds of megabytes of memory. This book will not be focused on describing how to run on those platforms for the reason just mentioned, but if you’re interested, there are a lot of resources and documentation available; for example, see TensorFlow Lite’s mobile documentation.

Another characteristic I care about is cost. The cheapest Raspberry Pi Zero is $5 for makers, but it is extremely difficult to buy that class of chip in large numbers at that price. Purchases of the Zero are usually restricted by quantity, and while the prices for industrial purchases aren’t transparent, it’s clear that $5 is definitely unusual. By contrast, the cheapest 32-bit microcontrollers cost much less than a dollar each. This low price has made it possible for manufacturers to replace traditional analog or electromechanical control circuits with software-defined alternatives for everything from toys to washing machines. I’m hoping we can use the ubiquity of microcontrollers in these devices to introduce artificial intelligence as a software update, without requiring a lot of changes to existing designs. It should also make it possible to get large numbers of smart sensors deployed across environments like buildings or wildlife reserves without the costs outweighing the benefits or funds available.

Embedded Devices

The definition of TinyML as having an energy cost below 1 mW does mean that we need to look to the world of embedded devices for our hardware platforms. Until a few years ago, I wasn’t familiar with them myself—they were shrouded in mystery for me. Traditionally they had been 8-bit devices and used obscure and proprietary toolchains, so it seemed very intimidating to get started with any of them. A big step forward came when Arduino introduced a user-friendly integrated development environment (IDE) along with standardized hardware. Since then, 32-bit CPUs have become the standard, largely thanks to Arm’s Cortex-M series of chips. When I started to prototype some ML experiments a couple of years ago, I was pleasantly surprised by how relatively straightforward the development process had become.

Embedded devices still come with some tough resource constraints, though. They often have only a few hundred kilobytes of RAM, or sometimes much less than that, and have similar amounts of flash memory for persistent program and data storage. A clock speed of just tens of megahertz is not unusual. They will definitely not have full Linux (since that requires a memory controller and at least one megabyte of RAM), and if there is an operating system, it may well not provide all or any of the POSIX or standard C library functions you expect. Many embedded systems avoid using dynamic memory allocation functions like new or malloc() because they’re designed to be reliable and long-running, and it’s extremely difficult to ensure that if you have a heap that can be fragmented. You might also find it tricky to use a debugger or other familiar tools from desktop development, since the interfaces you’ll be using to access the chip are very specialized.

There were some nice surprises as I learned embedded development, though. Having a system with no other processes to interrupt your program can make building a mental model of what’s happening very simple, and the straightforward nature of a processor without branch prediction or instruction pipelining makes manual assembly optimization a lot easier than on more complex CPUs. I also find a simple joy in seeing LEDs light up on a miniature computer that I can balance on a fingertip, knowing that it’s running millions of instructions a second to understand the world around it.

Changing Landscape

It’s only recently that we’ve been able to run ML on microcontrollers at all, and the field is very young, which means hardware, software, and research are all changing extremely quickly. This book is a based on a snapshot of the world as it existed in 2019, which in this area means some parts were out of date before we’d even finished writing the last chapter. We’ve tried to make sure we’re relying on hardware platforms that will be available over the long term, but it’s likely that devices will continue to improve and evolve. The TensorFlow Lite software framework that we use has a stable API, and we’ll continue to support the examples we give in the text over time, but we also provide web links to the very latest versions of all our sample code and documentation. You can expect to see reference applications covering more use cases than we have in this book being added to the TensorFlow repository, for example. We also aim to focus on skills like debugging, model creation, and developing an understanding of how deep learning works, which will remain useful even as the infrastructure you’re using changes.

We want this book to give you the foundation you need to develop embedded ML products to solve problems you care about. Hopefully we’ll be able to start you along the road of building some of the exciting new applications I’m certain will be emerging over the next few years in this domain.

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