376 Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 Technical Guide
Example 18-13 Tivoli Storage Manager Silent Installation
C:\TSM_images\6.1_Server>install.exe -i silent -r C:\response.rsp -DLICENSE_ACCE
1 -DDB2_PW=db2user1 -DDB2_NAME=DB2 -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\T
C:\TSM_images\6.1_Server>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
Example 18-13 shows that we got return code 0 and the silent installation was successful. For
return codes see “Debugging techniques” on page 402.
18.9 Creating directories and user ID for the server instance
To configure a new server instance, choose one of the following methods:
Log in as an administrator and open the local new-instance wizard, dsmicfgx, located in
the server installation directory.
Log on to a Version 6.1 Tivoli Storage Manager Administration Center and start the Create
New Instance wizard.
Configure the new instance manually.
18.9.1 Creating the directories for the server instance
Here we create the directories and the user ID for the server instance. Create the directories
that the Tivoli Storage Manager server instance needs for database and recovery logs, and
create the user ID for the Tivoli Storage Manager server instance. Review the information
about planning space for the server before completing this task.
First we need to create the directories that the Tivoli Storage Manager server instance needs
for database and recovery logs using the mkdir command. You need unique, empty
directories for each of the items listed in Example 18-14 on page 376. Create the database
directories, the active log directory, and the archive log directory on various physical volumes.
Example 18-14 Create directories for database and recovery logs
C:\>mkdir e:\tsminst1\dbdir001
C:\>mkdir f:\tsminst1\dbdir002
C:\>mkdir g:\tsminst1\dbdir003
C:\>mkdir h:\tsminst1\dbdir004
C:\>mkdir i:\tsminst1\actlog
C:\>mkdir j:\tsminst1\actlogm
C:\>mkdir k:\tsminst1\archlog
C:\>mkdir l:\tsminst1\archlogf

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