We will define the game's main loop within the class __init__ method so that to begin playing, we simply need to create an instance of this class:
class Game: def __init__(self): playing = True while playing: self.deck = Deck() self.deck.shuffle() self.player_hand = Hand() self.dealer_hand = Hand(dealer=True) for i in range(2): self.player_hand.add_card(self.deck.deal()) self.dealer_hand.add_card(self.deck.deal()) print("Your hand is:") self.player_hand.display() print() print("Dealer's hand is:") self.dealer_hand.display()
We start off our loop with a Boolean which will be used to track whether or not we are still playing the game.
If we are, we need a shuffled Deck and two Hand instances—one for the dealer and ...