Quickly Pairing with tmate

tmate[13] is a fork of tmux designed to make pair programming painless. Using tmate, you can quickly invite another developer to collaborate. When you launch tmate, it generates an address that your pair can use to make the connection. You don’t have to set up any keys or use any intermediate services. Instead, tmate’s servers handle tunneling the connection for you.

The catch is that you have to install tmate and use it instead of tmux. But don’t worry; it completely supports the configuration you’ve already built. Let’s look at how to get it installed.

On Ubuntu, you can install it by adding the tmate PPA to your package manager:

 $ ​​sudo​​ ​​apt-get​​ ​​install​​ ​​software-properties-common
 $ ​​sudo​​ ​​add-apt-repository ...

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