Toad Pocket Reference for Oracle, 2nd Edition

Book description

Toad is an enormously popular interactive environment tool for Oracle development and administration. It allows developers to build, test, debug, and format their code via an easy-to-use graphical user interface, available in both freeware and commercial versions. Toad makes developers far more productive; using Toad, you'll find that program changes that once took hours can now be completed in minutes. Toad allows developers to browse their database tables, procedures, and object types; use code templates; and show errors. It also simplifies database administration by providing a way for DBAs to graphically browse and change database characteristics.

Updated for Toad Versions 8.0 and 8.5, this pocket book is packed with quick-reference material: Toad feature and menu summaries, shortcut keys, suggested changes to Toad defaults, productivity tips and tricks, and more. The book includes concise discussions of all the basic Toad components: the SQL Editor, Procedure Editor, SQL Modeler, Schema Browser, Project Manager, and Debugger. The second edition includes coverage of new SQL Editor features, improvements in usability, and new tools such as CodeXpert (a robust code analyzer and advisor) and Script Debugger (the only tool available that provides real-time debugging of SQL*Plus scripts). It also provides helpful hints on using Toad to perform database administration and SQL tuning and optimization.

Whether you're a new or experienced Toad user, you'll find this quick reference an indispensable companion to the product and its online help files.

Table of contents

  1. Contents
  2. Toad Pocket Reference for Oracle
    1. Introduction
      1. Contributors
      2. Caveats
      3. For Help with Toad
      4. Conventions
    2. Toad Basics
      1. Installing and Configuring Toad
      2. Expanding Toad’s Functionality
      3. Configuring External Tools
      4. Toad Startup and Other Options
      5. Toad Properties Files
      6. Toad Menu Toolbar
      7. Toad Toolbar Display
    3. SQL Editor
      1. Display
      2. Toolbars and Menus
        1. Main toolbar
        2. Edit toolbar
        3. Formatting toolbar
        4. Script Debugging toolbar
        5. Source Control toolbar
        6. SQL Recall toolbar
        7. Current Schema toolbar
        8. SQL Editor menu
        9. Edit menu
        10. Right Mouse menu
      3. Shortcut Keys
      4. Supporting Other Parsers/Languages
      5. Working with Files in the SQL Editor
        1. Open files
        2. Integrated Source Control/Team Coding
      6. Executing Statements
        1. Execute a single statement
        2. Execute all SQL
        3. Execute a script
        4. Execute SQL*Plus
        5. Execute with ScriptRunner
        6. Parse (Describe) a SELECT statement
        7. Use substitution variables
        8. Cancel running statement
      7. Using Extended Features (1/2)
      8. Using Extended Features (2/2)
        1. Use the Script Debugger
        2. Invoke SQL Command Recall
        3. Display Object Palette (tables, views, synonyms, columns)
        4. Display code snippets
        5. Change Active Sessions for this Window
        6. Make a Non-SQL Code Statement/ Strip All Non-SQL Syntax
        7. Use the EDIT command
        8. Use the Toad Describe facility
        9. Display column dropdown
        10. Use code templates
        11. Format code
        12. Add and remove comments
    4. Data Grid
      1. Manipulating the Display, not the Query
        1. Sort data, rearrange columns, and filter data
        2. Configure data grid options
      2. Navigating the Grid
        1. Scroll down
        2. Scroll left to right
      3. Editing Data from the Data Grid
        1. Access the Single Record View
      4. Saving/Sending Data in Various Formats
        1. Schedule a Save As
        2. Display Record Count from right mouse grid popup
        3. Print Grid engine
      5. Working with Data
        1. Master Detail Browser
        2. Compare Data wizard
        3. Import Table Data wizard (from text file or Excel)
        4. Table Data Duplicates window
    5. SQL Optimization
      1. Explain Plans
        1. Explain Plan in the SQL Editor
        2. Previous Explain Plan results
      2. SQL Optimization Facilities
        1. AutoTrace
        2. SQL Trace (TKPROF)
        3. SGA Trace Optimization
        4. Session Browser
      3. Additional Tuning Methods
    6. Schema Browser
      1. Configuring the Schema Browser
        1. Visual options
        2. Behavioral and data-specific options
      2. Objects Panel
        1. Objects panel toolbar
        2. Objects panel right mouse
        3. Favorites tab
      3. Details Panel
      4. Schema Browser Tips and Tricks
    7. Procedure Editor
      1. Procedure Editor Options
      2. Configuring the Procedure Editor
      3. Procedure Editor Display
      4. Procedure Editor Keys
      5. Procedure Editor Menus and Toolbars
        1. Procedure Edit toolbar
        2. Debugger toolbar
        3. Formatter toolbar
        4. Right Mouse menu
      6. Populating the Procedure Editor
      7. Procedure Editor Shortcut Keys
      8. Using the Procedure Editor
        1. Customize Toad templates
        2. Create output statements
        3. Use Code Completion
        4. Use DBMS_OUPUT package
        5. Find closing block
        6. Compile
    8. Debugger
      1. Setting Debugger Options
      2. Debugger Menus and Toolbar
      3. Output Panel
        1. Breakpoints tab
        2. Watches tab
        3. DBMS Output tab
        4. Call Stack tab
        5. REF CURSOR Results tab
      4. Setting Parameters
      5. Just-in-Time Debugging
      6. Executing a Stored Program from the Debugger
      7. Executing a Stored Program Without Debugging
      8. After Debugging
      9. Code Profiling
      10. Using CodeXpert
        1. Results tree tab
        2. Summary Report tab
        3. CRUD Matrix tab
        4. Metrics Report tab
        5. CodeXpert toolbar
    9. Database Administration
      1. Using the DBA Module
        1. Additional functionality
        2. Knowledge Xpert for Oracle Administration
      2. Using the Database Browser
      3. Modifying Oracle Parameters
      4. Managing Sessions
        1. Top Session Finder
        2. Session Browser
      5. Creating and Altering Objects
        1. Create new objects
        2. Alter existing objects
      6. Managing Tablespaces
        1. Display tablespace statistics
        2. Display tablespace map
      7. Checking Extents
      8. Using Oracle’s Import/Export Tools
        1. Export File Browser
      9. Using Other Toad Import/Export Utilities
      10. Comparing Schemas and Databases
      11. Performing SGA Trace Optimization
      12. Using the HTML Schema Doc Generator
    10. User Administration
      1. Managing Users
        1. Create User and Alter User
        2. Compare users
        3. Toad Security
      2. Managing Roles
        1. Configure Grantees
      3. Managing Resource Groups and Resource Plans
      4. Managing Policies and Policy Groups
      5. Auditing
        1. Audit SQL/SYS Privs
        2. Audit objects
    11. Project Manager
      1. Creating and Using Projects
      2. Customizing Project Manager’s Behavior
      3. Saving and Sharing Project Files
      4. Project Manager Tips and Tricks
    12. Additional Toad Modules
      1. Toad for Oracle
      2. Toad for Oracle Professional Edition
      3. Toad for Oracle Xpert Edition
      4. Toad for Oracle Suite
        1. Toad-DBA Module
        2. DataFactory™
        3. Benchmark Factory® for Oracle
        4. QDesigner™ Physical Architect
  3. Index (1/2)
  4. Index (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Toad Pocket Reference for Oracle, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Jeff Smith, Patrick McGrath, Bert Scalzo
  • Release date: May 2005
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596529079