4 5G: Transforming the User Wireless Experience

David Ott, Nageen Himayat, and Shilpa Talwar

Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter we present the Intel Strategic Research Alliance (ISRA) on 5G technologies, also known as “5G: Transforming the User Experience”. ISRA 5G is a multi-university, multi-million-dollar university research program exploring the viability of new candidate technologies for tomorrow's wireless networks (also known as 5G). A major contribution of the program is its statement of vision for 5G, its goals of research and success criteria, and its scoping of the research areas needed to realize the next generation of wireless technologies. As such, the first half of the chapter focuses on Intel’s perspectives and insights on the broader challenge of candidate 5G technologies. A summary of sponsored research projects is then presented in the second half of the chapter, including information on the researchers and their proposed approaches for exploration in the program.

4.2 Intel's Vision of 5G Technologies

Intel’s stated mission for this decade is “to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth”. As such, Intel believes that wireless communication technologies, with their unconstrained ability to seamlessly connect people to one another and to a vast world of information and services, are essential building blocks to realizing this mission. Intel also believes, as ...

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