Chapter 10 Linear tracking control (LITC)
10.1 Generating theorem
The book [148] contains what follows.
A complex valued matrix function F(.) : ℭ → ℭp×n is real rational matrix function if, and only if, it becomes a real valued matrix for the real value of the complex variable s, i.e., for s = σ ∊ ℜ, and every entry of F(s) is a quotient of two polynomials in s.
Let F(s) have µ different poles denoted by
Theorem 304 Generating theorem
Let F(.) : ℜ → ℜp×n, F(t) = [Fij(t)] , have Laplace transform F(.) : ℭ → ℜp×n, F(s) = [Fįj (s)] , that is real rational matrix function. In order for the norm ||
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