Exchanges worldwide are loaded with players who strive for positive returns in various time frames. They act in a coordinated manner or one against the other, sometimes in cooperative fashion, but mostly strongly in a competitive manner.

Within the framework of international exchanges, sets of alternative strategies seek to achieve absolute returns on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis. This framework will be highlighted first, and then the key players in the money game will be named.

Exchanges Worldwide: Roulette or a Game of Chance?

Many people think of the market as a game of chance, comparable to roulette. This comparison is completely wrong. In roulette, the player must deal with the bank as the counterpart, and the results cannot be predicted. Furthermore, to guarantee an equal chance for each player, the croupier and the ivory ball are changed regularly. The use of the figure zero guarantees long-term gain for the casino. Every attempt to beat the system has failed and will continue to do so. The only people who make money consistently are those who sell roulette systems. In roulette, the outcome of the game cannot be influenced. No matter how big the effort is, winning remains a matter of luck, with the chances always the same.

In comparing investment markets to a game, an analogy to horse racing would be much more appropriate. When trading products on the many exchanges in the world, not everything is left to chance, just as with ...

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