© Rahul Sharma, Akshay Mathur 2021
R. Sharma, A. MathurTraefik API Gateway for Microserviceshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6376-1_4

4. Configure TLS

Rahul Sharma1   and Akshay Mathur2
Patpargunj, Delhi, India
Gurgaon, Haryana, India

The previous chapters looked at how to expose services using Traefik over HTTP, TCP, and UDP connections. They also dove into the special traffic management features provided by Traefik. Until now, you have only worked with plain unencrypted traffic—HTTP or TCP. However, for any serious production usage, you need to expose the endpoints securely over TLS. In this chapter, you look at the capabilities that Traefik provides for encrypting and decrypting network traffic.

The following two scenarios are covered.

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