Chapter 11

Training with Style

In This Chapter

arrow Defining training styles

arrow Understanding group dynamics

arrow Adding energy and excitement to your training

arrow Putting it all together to train with style

Chapters 1 through 10 focus on the basics of the training and workplace learning profession: understanding adult-learning theory, learning the steps of the training cycle, practicing good presentation skills, and selecting and using audiovisuals.

This chapter goes beyond the basics to an intermediate level of training skills and knowledge. It covers several topics to explore what it takes to be a skilled professional trainer. It presents four training styles so that you can identify your style and use your strengths to the best advantage for each session. The chapter also explores group dynamics and what it takes to create an energizing and exciting environment.

Understand Your Training Style Strengths

Every trainer brings a unique set of strengths to a training session. The effective trainer recognizes these strengths and builds off of them. To do this it is helpful to have an understanding ...

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