Chapter 17

The Future of the T&D Profession

In This Chapter

arrow Introducing the VUCA world concept

arrow Understanding the changing T&D environment

arrow Recognizing the expanded roles for trainers

arrow Predicting a vision of the future

arrow Determining how to prepare yourself for the future

Look around you. Everything is changing: demographics, employee expectations, medicine, technology, the environment, and the global economy. You name it, and chances are it is undergoing change at a dramatic rate. Just keeping up with these changes is challenging. Your job is changing too. Your organization must be agile and adaptable to thrive in this evolving business environment. You support your organization; therefore, you too must be agile and adaptable.

Your organization is becoming more flexible, networked, global, and virtual. Your work as a T&D professional mimics those same requirements. You’ve seen change coming with virtual classrooms, social and mobile-influenced learning tools, gamification, and your expanded ...

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