Chapter 18
Ten Tips to Start Off on the Right Foot
In This Chapter
Learning how trainers catch and hold participants’ attention
Reviewing ten items a trainer accomplishes in the opening of a training session
First contacts create a lasting impression. Most people have discovered that the first ten minutes of any initial meeting between two people lays the groundwork for almost all assumptions and decisions about the ensuing relationship.
If first impressions are critical, how does a good trainer catch and hold participants’ attention from the start? How do trainers start off on the right foot — especially at time when they are facilitating a virtual session? This chapter identifies ten aspects of getting your training session off to a good start.
The Association for Talent Development (ATD) offers a Training Certificate Program — one of dozens. One of the objectives of the program is to teach trainers how to open their training sessions with PUNCH. ATD believes that the opening is one of the most important sections of any training design. Training should open with a purpose, not just open. A training session can open with PUNCH if the trainer accomplishes these five things.
- Promotes interest and enthusiasm for the training-session content. Participants desire more after the opening. ...
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