Chapter 2
How Adults Learn
Examining the basic principles of adult learning
Defining a trainer’s responsibility to ensure that adults learn
Identifying recent concepts about how we learn
Think back over the past 60 days. What is one thing you learned? Before reading ahead, try to recall what you learned and why you learned it. Perhaps you learned to play racquetball because you always wanted to learn to play the game. Perhaps you had a flat tire on the way home and had to learn to change the tire because you had no choice but to do it yourself.
If you’re like most adults, you learn to do most things as an adult because you want or need to learn it. This chapter explores adult learning theory, how people learn, and how trainers can assist participants to learn in the classroom.
Learning About Adult Learning Theory
Trainers are most successful when they understand the conditions under which adults learn best. Therefore, it’s important to understand the difference between why adults learn and how adults are traditionally taught.
The traditional style of teaching is based on a didactic model, a synonym for lecturing. Generally this model is teacher-led and content-centered. ...
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