Training Games

Book description

One of the most reliable tools to begin building an effective learning environment is through the use of classroom games. This book provides practical, step-by-step advice on how to select just the right game for an event, choose the format, facilitate the event, and evaluate your effectiveness. The authors provide 11 classroom-tested games that are easily adapted to liven up any learning event. The CD-ROM contains templates and worksheets you can start using immediately.

Note: CD-ROM is not available.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1: Introduction to Training Games
    1. Ten Reasons Why Games Are “Hot” (High-Outcome Techniques)
      1. Reason #1: Games Are Fun with a Purpose
      2. Reason #2: Games Give Learners Valuable Feedback
      3. Reason #3: Games Give Trainers Feedback
      4. Reason #4: Games Are Experiential
      5. Reason #5: Games Motivate Learners
      6. Reason #6: Games Improve Team Work
      7. Reason #7: Games Lower the Threat Level in the Learning Environment
      8. Reason #8: Games Reveal Real-World Relevance
      9. Reason #9: Games Accelerate Learning
      10. Reason #10: Games Give You Choices for Your Classroom
    2. Fear of Failure
      1. Action Plan for Avoiding Failure
      2. Additional Preparatory Steps
    3. The Basics: What Is a Training Game?
      1. Five Elements of a Training Game
      2. A Game Is More Than a Learning Activity
      3. Games Differ From Simulations
    4. Decision Steps for Selecting a Game
      1. Step 1: Identify Your Training Session's Ultimate Objective
      2. Step 2: Create Your Training Plan
      3. Step 3: Select a Game for Your Training Plan
      4. Step 4: Place the Game in the Lesson Plan
      5. Step 5: Consider Costs and Benefits
    5. A Checklist to Summarize What We've Covered
  8. Chapter 2: The Beginning: Selecting Your Training Game
    1. Game Appeal
      1. Visual Appeal
      2. User-Friendliness
      3. Fun
    2. Balance: The Mix of Game Play and Content
    3. Flexibility: Adapting the Game Frame to Your Content and Audience
  9. Chapter 3: Preparations: The Game Plan
    1. Title of the Game
    2. Audience
    3. Purpose
    4. Identifying Content
      1. Resources for Developing Content
    5. Developing Game Questions
      1. Three Question-Development Techniques
      2. Tips for Developing Questions
      3. Creating a Question Mix
      4. Sample Question Types
    6. Time Needed to Play the Game
  10. Chapter 4: Training Game Formats
    1. Manual Games
      1. The Eight-Sentence Rule
      2. Sample Game: Review Bingo
    2. Card Games
      1. Sample Game: Card Sort
    3. Board Games
      1. Board Game Basics
      2. Sample Game: Board Bingo
    4. Prop Games
      1. Sample Games: Sand Trap and Toss Up
  11. Chapter 5: Preparing and Playing Your Game
    1. Game Materials/Props
      1. Materials
      2. Props
    2. Game Equipment
    3. Room Setup
    4. Before Game Play
    5. During the Game
  12. Chapter 6: Role of the Game Facilitator
    1. The Experiential Learning Cycle
      1. Stage 1: The Concrete Experience—Learning by Experiencing
      2. Stage 2: Reflective Observation—Learning by Reflecting
      3. Stage 3: Abstract Conceptualization—Learning by Thinking
      4. Stage 4: Active Experimentation—Learning by Living It
      5. Applying the Experiential Learning Cycle to Games
    2. Learning Styles
  13. Chapter 7: Debriefing the Games
    1. Why Debrief a Game?
    2. Questions: The Debriefing Key
    3. Applying the Experiential Learning Cycle to the Debriefing
    4. Tips for Success in the Debriefing Process
    5. Other Formats for Debriefing
      1. List Building
      2. Reflective Questions: What?/So What?/Now What?
      3. Structured Journaling
      4. Sentence Stems
    6. Closing the Debriefing Discussion
      1. Sample Closure Activities
  14. Chapter 8: Games for Classroom Play
    1. Bingo Hunt
    2. Board Bingo
    3. Card Sort
    4. Get-Set
    5. Match Point
    6. Quiz Challenge
    7. Review Bingo
    8. Sand Trap
    9. Signature Hunt
    10. Tic-Tac-Topic
    11. Toss Up
  15. Appendix: Using the Compact Disc
  16. Resources
  17. About the Authors
  18. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Training Games
  • Author(s): Steve Sugar, Jennifer Whitcomb
  • Release date: June 2006
  • Publisher(s): Association for Talent Development
  • ISBN: 9781562864514