CHAPTER 34Transformation Help

Please note: We realize that what follows runs the very real risk of sounding self-serving, as at SVPG we are essentially product coaches as well. However, we are literally only a few people, and odds are we don't have the bandwidth to help you even if you wanted us to. Mostly what we do is refer companies to product coaches whom we know and trust. We don't charge companies anything for these referrals, and we don't accept kickbacks from any product coaches whom we refer. We simply want you to be able to trust that when we refer someone to you, they know what they're doing.

How does a company that has never worked in a new way learn that new way of working?

The most important thing to realize is that your company depends on building products that your customers want to buy. And your products are created by your product leaders and product teams.

To transform, your product leaders and the people on your product teams need to learn new ways of working.

While training and books can help (if the trainers and authors know what they're talking about), it is never sufficient.

In this chapter, we discuss the different approaches to getting help, and we also share with you the profiles of several very strong product coaches so that you will know the type of person to look for.

In the best product companies, the way product managers, product designers, and engineers learn their craft is from their managers.

Managers as Coaches

The legendary coach Bill ...

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