High-Voltage, High-Frequency Transformer Design*

Paul Lefley and Philip Devine

*  This chapter hasbeen reproduced from the original article published in the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery in 2001.


22.1  Introduction

22.2  Transformer Design

22.2.1  Magnetic Design

22.2.2  Insulation Materials

22.2.3  Thermal Analysis

22.2.4  Design of High-Voltage Bobbins and Electrostatic Analysis

22.3  Test Results

22.4  Conclusion

Appendix 22.A: Magnetic and Thermal Design Using the McLyman Design Method

Appendix 22.B: Iterative Transformer Design Using the McLyman Method


22.1  Introduction

Conversion of AC mains voltages to a high-voltage (> 10 kV), high-power (> 10 kW) DC level is a key area of technology which is a requirement ...

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