Appendix A
Ao–Operational Availability
AAR–After Action Review
ADMRU–(Army National Guard) Aviation Depot Maintenance Roundout Unit
AIT–Automatic Identification Technologies
ALMC–Army Logistics Management College
AMC–Army Materiel Command
AMCOM–(U.S. Army) Aviation and Missile Command
AMSAA–Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity
ARFORGEN–Army Force Generation (force management model)
ASA(ALT)–Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology)
ASC–Army Sustainment Command
ASL–Authorized Stock List
AVCRAD–Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot
AVF–All-Volunteer Force
AWCF–Army Working Capital Fund
C3–Command, Control, and Communications
CBM–Condition Based Maintenance
CASCOM–(U.S. Army) Combined Arms Support ...
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