2 Project Development Process
“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing.”
– William Edwards Denning
The PM is very similar to the conductor of an orchestra. They don’t need to know how to play the viola, oboe, or timpani, but they do need to know the instruments’ capabilities and constraints. They acknowledge the musicians are the experts, and work to position them to perform their best. The conductor approaches the performance from a different perspective. They see the entirety of the score, understanding how and when which instruments can be combined to enhance the results. They make adjustments to the plan to emphasize key musical components. They guide and shape the performance in a way that enables the full orchestra to reach their collective potential. And while they may speak for the full orchestra, the conductor graciously thanks all those involved, highlighting key musicians and soloists.
2.1 Safety First
“Safety isn’t expensive, its priceless.”
– Jerry Smith
2.1.1 A Matter of Life and Death
In the transportation industry, “Safety First” is more than a slogan. It is a mantra. Safety is a foundational tenet of transportation policy and practice, upon which we should be ever vigilant.
The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) clearly advocates that a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) should hold paramount their obligation to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. PEs bear an ethical responsibility ...
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