- Abbey National Bank
- Abelson, Alan
- Abraham, Malouf
- Abraham, Mark
- Abraham, Salem
- Abraham Trading Company
- Absolute returns
- Absolute Returns (Ineichen)
- Accuracy of Forecasting (Makridakis)
- Ackman, Bill
- Adam, Harding, and Lueck (AHL)
- Adam, Michael
- Ainslie, Lee
- Aliferis, P.
- Alliance Capital Management Holding LP
- Almost-certain-death strategies
- Altegris
- Altucher, James
- Amaranth
- American Express
- Amin, Gaurav
- Anchorman (film)
- Anderson, Philip
- Anderson, Sparky
- Andreessen, Marc
- Andrews, Will
- Aponte, Mike (MIT Blackjack Team)
- Apple
- AQR Capital Management
- Ariely, Dan
- Aristotle
- Art, Christopher
- The Art of Investing
- Asacker, Tom
- Asian Contagion (1997)
- Asness, C. S.
- Asness, Cliff
- Aspect Capital
- Assange, Julian
- Asset classes
- Auburn Auto
- Aumann, Robert
- Axelrod, Bobby (Billions)
- Bachelier, Louis
- Bacon, Louis
- Bagehot, Walter
- Baha, Christian
- Bailey, D. J.
- Baldwin, William
- Baltimore, David
- Baltimore Orioles
- Bankers Trust
- Bank of America
- Bank of Italy
- Bank of Japan
- Bank One
- Baratz, Morton S.
- Barberis, N.
- Barclays
- Barclays BTOP 50 Managed Futures Index (BTOP50)
- Barclays Systematic Traders Index
- Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index
- Barings Bank
- Barroso, P.
- Barry, Dave
- Bartas, A. N.
- Bartiromo, Maria
- Baruch, Bernard
- Basso, Tom
- Bayes, Thomas
- Bayesian statistics
- Beane, Billy
- Bear Stearns
- A Beautiful Mind (film)
- Behavioral biases
- and baseball statistics
- of clients
- and discretionary trading
- Ed Seykota on
- and systematic trading
- Behavioral economists
- Behavioral finance
- and commitment
- and curiosity ...
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