16Rob Fuller
“Everyone’s path in this industry is different; it’s all about obtaining the experience or expertise to do the job you want to do.”
Twitter: @mubix
Rob has experience covering most facets of information security. He has helped design, build, and defend U.S. DoD networks as well as performed penetration tests and red team assessments against those same networks. More recently, Rob has performed numerous red team assessments against Fortune 50 companies. He is a frequent speaker, trainer, and volunteer at conferences and CCDC events. He serves as a senior technical advisor for HBO’s show Silicon Valley and hosts a show on Hak5. Rob has acquired a number of certifications, but the titles he holds above the rest are father, husband, and U.S. Marine.
How did you get your start on a red team?
Craig Balding (@craigbalding) gave me the opportunity to join my first red team, which turned out to be one of the most rewarding teams and jobs I’ve ever had the pleasure to be part of. I did this after being many other things, however. I had been a vulnerability scan engineer, a pentest consultant, a tier 1 and 2 incident responder, a forensic analyst, a firewall admin, an IT architect, an on-call help-desk tech, and an IT clerk. I believe that having this wide range of experience helped me obtain this opportunity and the ability to interview successfully. Do you have to have ...
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