32Francesc Rodriguez

“The main thing required to get hired as a red teamer is to have passion and determination as I showed; everything else is easy and falls into place.”

Closeup image of the Toronto-based Cuban- Canadian penetration tester and security researcher "Francesc Rodriguez."

Twitter: @0katz

My name is Francesc Rodriguez. I am a 21-year-old Toronto-based Cuban-Canadian penetration tester and security researcher who likes to drink all the booze and hack all the things. During the day you can find me hacking for the government. By night you can find me doing research on binary analysis, endpoint security, web security, and network security research. I am the creator of the Temple of DOOM CTF series. This CTF series was made for beginning to intermediate skill levels looking to grind and get some new challenges thrown their way.

How did you get your start on a red team?

I was addicted to video games in middle school and was not producing satisfactory grades, mainly because I skipped classes to come home and play games on my PlayStation 3. My father would always get calls from school that I skipped school, and he would break my game discs. I had to figure out a way to make him think that I was no longer playing on my PlayStation, so I learned how to jailbreak my PlayStation and installed all the games internally. Back then, it was really easy. All you needed was a USB and custom firmware that George Hotz had released to jailbreak your console.

This sparked my interest in programming ...

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