44Jason Schorr

Photograph of Jason Schorr.

“Anyone who's actively working to keep networks safe from malicious actors qualifies as blue team in my book.”

Twitter: @0xBananaWebsite: 0xbanana.com

Jason Schorr has served as an information security professional for some of the largest technical companies in the world where he used his knowledge and experience to strengthen their security posture and minimize risk. He currently serves as chief operating officer for Spyglass Security. Most recently acting as project lead, he helped develop Data Drifter, a tool to analyze the contents of insecure cloud storage buckets. He lives in New York City with an amazing partner and their two beautiful girls.

How do you define a blue team?

We are all the defenders of the realm. Anyone who's actively working to keep networks safe from malicious actors qualifies as blue team in my book.

We as security practitioners see security from different viewpoints. It would be a shame to discount someone else or their experience because they “do something different,” aren't “eyes on glass,” or aren't “on the front lines.” This does not mean they don't bring value to the table.

We can learn from each other; through that communal learning, we all become stronger.

How can blue teamers learn, practice, and grow?

There are so many skills needed for a well-rounded blue team practitioner. Since we live in a golden age for personal computing, ...

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