18Edward Contreras

Closeup image of the security and risk transformation leader “Edward Contreras.”

“One of my biggest challenges as a leader is letting go of good talent.”

Twitter: @CISOEdwardCWebsite: www.linkedin.com/in/cisoedwardc

A security and risk transformation leader with more than 25 years' experience focused on knowledge sharing and risk leadership, I have guided companies through breaches, risk transformations, and complete security implementations and rebuilds while embracing “next-gen” security frameworks.

Do you believe there is a massive shortage of career cybersecurity professionals?

I believe we have a shortage of “tenured” professionals based on the expectations and level of expertise we as leaders have placed on the roles. The top of the funnel is massive if we are willing to train laterally and bring in those coming out of school. This would definitely bridge the gap and build a workforce for years to come.

What's the most important decision you've made or action you've taken related to a business risk?

One of the more important decisions I have made is allowing business units to make “risk-based” decisions based on their “risk appetite.” This means that I have to be willing to accept some level of risk, knowing that the business is well informed and that we both live jointly with those decisions.

How do you make hard decisions? Do you find yourself more often making people, process, or technology decisions?

I find myself taking ...

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