Chapter 8
Thinking in Time and Scale
In This Chapter
Restructuring your view of a situation
Stretching your thinking to generate innovative solutions
Understanding all possible causes of problems
TRIZ can show you how to think like a genius! One of the most exciting parts of learning TRIZ is that some of the tools provide you with a completely different approach to problems, shifting your thinking to help you look at situations with new eyes.
You learn to stretch your view of a situation over time and scale, delivering talented thinking – on demand. This chapter starts you off on that journey, using the idea of Thinking in Time and Scale.
Stretching Your Thinking in Time and Scale
Thinking in Time and Scale is a simple-to-learn-and-use TRIZ thinking tool. It emerged from the observation of clever and creative people (as described in the nearby sidebar, ‘Learning to be creative again’) as they solved problems. Thinking in Time and Scale is one way of modelling the natural thinking patterns of particularly creative people – and children – so that you can repeat them.
Everyone can think creatively, but many, if not most, people lose this ability as they grow up, as a result of ...
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