One of the oddities of the modern digital world is that while our devices have undergone mind-blowing increases in performance, miniaturization, and overall technical sophistication over the past decade or so, the battery life of those devices has increased comparatively slowly. For example, from the iPhone 4s to the iPhone 6 – four generations – battery life for using the Internet over Wi-Fi increased from 9 hours to 11 hours. Apple claims the iPhone 7 Plus will get 15 hours, but even a 67 percent increase over six generations is nothing to brag about. Given the importance ...
© Paul McFedries 2017
Paul McFedries, Troubleshooting iOS , 10.1007/978-1-4842-2445-8_10
10. Repairing Battery and Charging Problems
Paul McFedries1
(1)Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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