Using mco

To access your collective, you can use the API within Ruby or Python to create complex scripts. You can also use the mco command-line utility to perform simple queries and day-to-day tasks. In case something goes wrong with MCollective, mco is a good place to start if you want to troubleshoot it.

To check whether mco is configured properly and can access the collective, use mco ping, as follows:

[root@puppet ~]# mco ping                       time=89.71 ms                      time=129.69 ms

---- ping statistics ----
2 replies max: 129.69 min: 89.71 avg: 109.70

If you are unable to connect to the broker, you will see the following error:

[root@puppet ~]# mco ping

The ping application failed to run, use -v for full error backtrace details: ...

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