The node run steps

  1. In a different Terminal window/tab, start a local blockchain by running ganache-cli.
  2. In another Terminal window, inside the truffle-node folder, run our main JavaScript file that we just added a few lines of code to. To do this, run node server.js (or use nodemon, if you have it installed).

Once you execute the node run steps, you should see accounts listed in your terminal console. In my screen, I see this:

[ '0x3D8e65c2d584f2683fA700014bF938ff97317073', '0x677773f02690D18a3BFd7ECb89d78D8B1f809050', '0xA5651169bfF12D014605C593C9F0C760375b3608', '0x69bB6D369171345aB349F66Bc8c5d2c127b537b4', '0x2Ef55358d31071f63aFec6e610C6c2c38dF9cD56', '0x39EB29716945D3f88650Bf0a96C8cDBb40c9d307', '0x35878EE4dd353b46Bd9Ab65d5e7B48cA625F997f', ...

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