Attest. 𝒱 challenges 𝒫 with a random number N v R { 0,1 } l H for the property attestation. The host invokes TCM chip () to attest the platform configuration after 𝒫 receives the request. generates random number r n , r 0 R Z q * ,, N t R { 0,1 } l φ with random number generator inside the security chip, computes h T = g T r h G T ,generates commitment C= g T cs h T r 0 on c s following Pederson commitment scheme and signs the commitment with PIK in TCM chip. The final signature is defined as δ = Sig(C,Nv||Nt).

sends gT, hT, C, r0, δ,Nt to host for the property attestation signature.

randomizes the signature σ on the property certificate and gets a= a r

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