Chapter 3
Making First Impressions
Adding final touches to your Twitch channel
Setting up your PlayStation for streaming
Setting up your Xbox for streaming
You’re probably realizing there’s a good amount you should know before setting off on your first stream. Yeah, maybe seeing other Twitch channels has made you think, I can do this, or maybe you’ve seen others who have just jumped into the deep end to start their channels. No one says you can’t start yours that way.
First impressions, though, are a truly delicate thing. They are long-lasting if you put the right foot forward and pretty easy to screw up if you don’t have a care. When people come by your channel at
, what impression do you want to leave them with? What do you want people to know about your stream? When your channel starts to grow — with some luck, a lot of hard work, and a little bit of fun, it will happen — do you have a plan in place to sustain your numbers? And if you're not stressed out about the numbers, what is your investment in all this?
These sound a lot like the questions from Chapter 1, don’t they? Well, Twitch can easily be considered the artichoke of the interwebs. Keep ...
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