Chapter 17
Ten Final Thoughts from a TeeMonster on Twitch
Examining lessons learned
Predicting what’s next
I hosted my first official stream on Tuesday, September 6, 2017. This was the launch day for Destiny 2, and I was “live from the couch” all day. Fast forward to Present Day, and here we are at the last chapter of the second edition of Twitch For Dummies. I want this edition to be more than just my take on the platform. I want this book to be a love letter to Twitch, featuring the streamers I look up to, share GGs with, and continue to create content alongside. That’s what I’ve tried to provide in the book up to this point.
In this last chapter, I wrap up the second edition with some one-on-one time with you. I’m looking back to share what I’ve learned from years of content creation on Twitch and looking ahead to what may be waiting for me (and you) in the years to come. I hope what I have to share will help you in your own streaming adventure.
Five Lessons from Five Years
During my time on Twitch, I’ve written two editions of this book in between DLC launches, side quests, and hours of shenanigans on my stream; and I still have a few last-minute lessons I can share with you.
Grow at your own pace
I streamed from the couch for the first year and a half of ...
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