Atkinson, Cliff. The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever, 1st ed. Berkeley, CA: New Riders Press, 2010.
Bingham, Tony, and Marcia L. Conner. The New Social Learning: a Guide to Transforming Organizations through Social Media. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press, 2010.
Bozarth, Jane. Social Media for Trainers: Techniques for Expanding and Extending Learning. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer, 2010.
Craig, Randall. Online PR and Social Media for Experts, Authors, Consultants, and Speakers, 4th ed. eBook. Toronto: Knowledge to Action Press, 2010.
Craig, Randall and Susan Sweeney. Social Media for Business. Toronto: Knowledge to Action Press, 2010.
Gillin, Paul. Secrets of ...
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